Monday, February 11, 2008

Give Me Five! Monday Meme

The 'Give Me Five' Monday meme is designed to share fun information with each other in a simple short list! Here's how it works. Each week, Becca will put out a random topic from her list of topics and you share 5 answers of your choice on the given topic and link back to her!

Give Me Five hints, tips, tricks, advice or any other stories related to resumes or succeeding in the great job hunt!

1. Grammar Matters – Both on the resume and in person!

2. Create a Stand-Out Resume and Cover Letter - Spell check doesn’t always catch common mistakes. Most employers receive numerous resumes for one position and will use the resume to weed out (potentially qualified) candidates who didn’t take the extra time to polish their resume. Use online tips or a resume writing service if you’re unsure how to make it shine.

3. Dress for Success – Just because you may be applying for a job in which jeans are appropriate everyday attire does not mean jeans are appropriate attire for the interview.

4. Body Language – Sit up straight, avoid crossing your arms, and smile.

5. Be Honest – If you don’t know the answer to a question, tell the truth. Instead of making something up (which will most likely be obvious), tell what you would do to learn the answer or to research possible answers to the question.
Check out other career-search tips at Becca's Buzz! Good luck in your job hunt, Becca!


  1. I really love your #1...grammar is very important. My mom uses poor grammar and it drives me bonkers!
    I will visit the resume tips website you suggested since that's what I am currently in line to do next in my process. Thanks for the well wishes...I will update my bog as I move through the process. Great post and thank you for including some pointers on how to participate in the meme too! Thanks again...

  2. BTW, I love your tag line "I've slept since then." My mom says that all the time!!! Too funny...

  3. These are all fantastic! Most of these would apply to making a good impression not just for a job, but also for any interaction.

    #1 is my favorite!

  4. That is great advice!

    I got my book today, and can not wait to start reading it!


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