I'm linking up with Thursday Thirteen this week.
Here are 13 things that I find DISTURBING!
1. Toddlers and Tiaras on TLC. I watched it one time but I see the commercials all the time. What these parents (both moms and dads) put their children through (both boys and girls) borders on cruel and unusual punishment.
2. To piggy back off number 1, Honey Boo Boo disturbs me greatly. She will be a great source of work for a counselor in the not too distant future, I’m sure.
I will NOT watch her show!
3. Justin Bieber. He sings like a girl, and he says the stupidest things in interviews. (Honey Boo Boo doesn't like him, either!)
4. How The Black Swan can be considered rated R with that female on female oral sex scene in it.
5. Misspelled words on “professional” websites. I’m not perfect, but I should have been an editor.
6. Black bras under white shirts.
7. People who “go commando” on a regular basis. Underwear was invented for a reason.
8. Movies about demonic possession.
9. The misuse of the pronoun “I.” Quick lesson… would you say, “Give this to I?” No, because “I” is not used after a preposition. I have heard friends, co-workers, and even news casters say, “Between you and I” numerous times, and it irks me! “Me” is the correct pronoun in this situation! This is between “I” and you. LOL!
10. Sixth graders who have seen The Hangover. Worse yet, sixth graders who say it is their favorite movie.
11. On that same note, people who take elementary age kids to see movies that are rated PG-13 or R.
12. The Sarah McLachlan animal cruelty commercial.
13. My own dreams sometimes disturb me.
What disturbs you?
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
We Want to Know Wednesday
Mamarazzi and Crazymama host We Want to Know Wednesday. This week, we are once again doing a "Would You Rather" (abbreviated to WYR). Come join the fun!
{one} WYR...Never be able to look in the mirror again or always get dressed in total darkness?
I would rather get dressed in total darkness, because I could always look in the mirror later to see how I looked.
{two} WYR...Receive $50 a day for the rest of your life or $50,000 right here and now?
Give me the $50K right here and now. If I only live to be 70, I would barely break even with $50 a day. If I have $50K, I can invest some of it so it will multiply over time, and I will have more money in the long run.
{three} WYR...Have extreme narcolepsy or have a bad case of tourette's?
Wow. That’s a hard one. I’d have to say extreme narcolepsy, though. It’s so totally the opposite of how I am now since I have a hard time sleeping and falling asleep. Besides, I don’t want to have tics and shout out obscenities at random times. Neither one would be fun!
{four} WYR...Be able to rewind 24 hrs 3 times a year or consciously control your dreams?
I don’t want to rewind my life. I like moving forward. And face it, even if you could have a “do over,” chances are it wouldn’t be the way you wanted it to be. So, it would be nice to be able to control my dreams, especially since I have some very strange dreams quite frequently.
{five} WYR...Be fluent in every language around the world or be the best in the world in a category of your choosing?
I have no idea what I’d want to be the best at doing. Maybe the best brain surgeon? Nah. People would want me to work all the time, and I wouldn’t be able to enjoy the money I would make. The best Nascar driver? Nah, I don’t want to drive in circles for a living. How about the best dancer? No. I’d get tired of people asking me to dance all the time. I’m already the best mom, so it can’t be that, either. I guess I’d choose to be fluent in every language around the world. That would be pretty cool, and I bet I could make a great salary interpreting and translating. Yeah. That's the ticket!
Join us on Wednesdays for We Want to Know!
{one} WYR...Never be able to look in the mirror again or always get dressed in total darkness?
I would rather get dressed in total darkness, because I could always look in the mirror later to see how I looked.
{two} WYR...Receive $50 a day for the rest of your life or $50,000 right here and now?
Give me the $50K right here and now. If I only live to be 70, I would barely break even with $50 a day. If I have $50K, I can invest some of it so it will multiply over time, and I will have more money in the long run.
{three} WYR...Have extreme narcolepsy or have a bad case of tourette's?
Wow. That’s a hard one. I’d have to say extreme narcolepsy, though. It’s so totally the opposite of how I am now since I have a hard time sleeping and falling asleep. Besides, I don’t want to have tics and shout out obscenities at random times. Neither one would be fun!
{four} WYR...Be able to rewind 24 hrs 3 times a year or consciously control your dreams?
I don’t want to rewind my life. I like moving forward. And face it, even if you could have a “do over,” chances are it wouldn’t be the way you wanted it to be. So, it would be nice to be able to control my dreams, especially since I have some very strange dreams quite frequently.
{five} WYR...Be fluent in every language around the world or be the best in the world in a category of your choosing?
I have no idea what I’d want to be the best at doing. Maybe the best brain surgeon? Nah. People would want me to work all the time, and I wouldn’t be able to enjoy the money I would make. The best Nascar driver? Nah, I don’t want to drive in circles for a living. How about the best dancer? No. I’d get tired of people asking me to dance all the time. I’m already the best mom, so it can’t be that, either. I guess I’d choose to be fluent in every language around the world. That would be pretty cool, and I bet I could make a great salary interpreting and translating. Yeah. That's the ticket!
Join us on Wednesdays for We Want to Know!
Monday, August 27, 2012
Coupons by Answers
There are several features I like about the site. First, it's easy and free to sign up. Next, at the top is a search button in case you are looking for something specific. There are tabs for "Home," Daily Deals, and Store Coupons by Categories. Some of the categories I looked at are accessories, makeup, shoes, and food. But there are many categories!
On the home page, you'll see the hottest coupons (for places such as Best Buy and Redbox) and the most popular coupons (for places such as Old Navy, Michaels, PetsMart, Enfamil, and Sephora). There is such a variety!
Toward the bottom, you will see the most popular stores. Some of those include Expedia, Target, and Walgreens. You can even ask a question on the site. If you'd like, you can also visit their Facebook page or follow them on Twitter.
I'd love to know what you find interesting and useful about the site! Happy shopping with coupons!
This was a sponsored post written on behalf of Coupons by Answers. All opinions are 100% mine.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Thursday Thirteen
Hello Thursday Thirteeners! I am really going to miss summer! Yes, I will like the cooler weather, but I'd still rather it be summer so I can go on vacation, sleep late, and READ!
I've read thirteen books since school released on June 3rd. Here they are with the most recent books first.
1. In the Still of the Night by Ann Rule
2. The Cold Kiss by John Rector
3. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
4. The Narrows by Michael Connelly
5. The Last Surgeon by Michael Palmer
6. Cause of Death by Patricia Cornwell
7. Lost Light by Michael Connelly
8. Heat Rises by Richard Castle
9. Wicked Business by Janet Evanovich
10. 11th Hour by James Patterson
11. Taken by Robert Crais
12. Don’t Look Twice by Andrew Gross
13. City of Bones by Michael Connelly
I'm not sure which was my very favorite book, but I did try three new authors: John Rector, Gillian Flynn, and Michael Palmer, and I was impressed. I'd love to hear any book reccommendations you might have in the mystery/suspense/crime genre. Have a great weekend!
I've read thirteen books since school released on June 3rd. Here they are with the most recent books first.
1. In the Still of the Night by Ann Rule
2. The Cold Kiss by John Rector
3. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
4. The Narrows by Michael Connelly
5. The Last Surgeon by Michael Palmer
6. Cause of Death by Patricia Cornwell
7. Lost Light by Michael Connelly
8. Heat Rises by Richard Castle
9. Wicked Business by Janet Evanovich
10. 11th Hour by James Patterson
11. Taken by Robert Crais
12. Don’t Look Twice by Andrew Gross
13. City of Bones by Michael Connelly
I'm not sure which was my very favorite book, but I did try three new authors: John Rector, Gillian Flynn, and Michael Palmer, and I was impressed. I'd love to hear any book reccommendations you might have in the mystery/suspense/crime genre. Have a great weekend!
Monday, August 20, 2012
Tackle it Tuesday
I'm linking up today with 5 Minutes for Mom for Tackle it Tuesday... Making housework bloggable.
I have been meaning to straighten my laundry room for a while now. It used to be so neat and organized! (Please don't mind the different color washer and dryer. That is my husband's doing.) Now, on to the important part. Here are some "before pictures."
My laundry room is so small, almost like a closet. I organized all of the beach towels and extra towels on the left side as well as a plastic container with blankets and extra pillows. The right side has a stack for top sheets (which my children refuse to use), full-size sheets, and twin sheets. There is a rack below that for my dry cleaning towel, the dryer rack, and pillowcases. There is a shelf above the washer for detergent and stain remover. On the left, there is also a bar for hanging clothes that need to air dry. I dusted the windowsill, cleaned the floor, and cleaned the appliances. And the baskets fit nicely on the dryer now. I'm happy with it.
Link up with 5 Minutes for Mom and share your tackles!
I have been meaning to straighten my laundry room for a while now. It used to be so neat and organized! (Please don't mind the different color washer and dryer. That is my husband's doing.) Now, on to the important part. Here are some "before pictures."
My laundry room is so small, almost like a closet. I organized all of the beach towels and extra towels on the left side as well as a plastic container with blankets and extra pillows. The right side has a stack for top sheets (which my children refuse to use), full-size sheets, and twin sheets. There is a rack below that for my dry cleaning towel, the dryer rack, and pillowcases. There is a shelf above the washer for detergent and stain remover. On the left, there is also a bar for hanging clothes that need to air dry. I dusted the windowsill, cleaned the floor, and cleaned the appliances. And the baskets fit nicely on the dryer now. I'm happy with it.
Link up with 5 Minutes for Mom and share your tackles!
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Back to School
It's that time. Back to school! As a teacher, I report a week earlier than the students, which means I go back ... tomorrow! I'm not ready! Not even close to ready! I want more summer!

Lucily, 5 Minutes for Mom is hosting several back-to-school giveaways. You should go check them out. And good luck!

Lucily, 5 Minutes for Mom is hosting several back-to-school giveaways. You should go check them out. And good luck!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
We Want to Know
Welcome to We Want to Know Wednesday hosted by Mamarazzi and Crazymamma. Crazymamma is taking a break this week, but be sure to visit and give her some bloggy love. Soooo..... this week is going to ba a "Would you Rather" brought to you by Dandelion Wishes. Go there and link up to play along!
{one} WYR (Would You Rather)...have your own private jet or your own private island?
Definitely a private jet! If I had one of those, I could fly to any island or anywhere else that I wanted.
{two} WYR...be very good looking or very smart?
Wow! That's hard! I feel like I'm pretty smart, so as long as I wouldn't be dumb as a post, I think it would be fun to be very good looking. Now, if we're talking about men... smart for sure!
{three}WYR...have the ability to be invisible or the ability to fly?
The practical answer would be the ability to fly so I can get where I'm going quickly. But I guess in a way I also have a bit of voyeur in me, because I think it would be awesome to be invisible!
{four} WYR...have the ability to read minds or control the weather?
Oh, this is another difficult one. Do I really want to know what everyone is thinking? I think being able to control the weather would definitely come in handy.
{five} WYR...be able to hear any conversation or take back anything you say?
Finally, an easy one. I would love to be able to take back anything I say. Try as we might, most of us have said something we wished we could take back as soon as the words came out of our mouths. That is not a good feeling. Wouldn't it be comforting to know we could take our words back... just in case?
{one} WYR (Would You Rather)...have your own private jet or your own private island?
Definitely a private jet! If I had one of those, I could fly to any island or anywhere else that I wanted.
{two} WYR...be very good looking or very smart?
Wow! That's hard! I feel like I'm pretty smart, so as long as I wouldn't be dumb as a post, I think it would be fun to be very good looking. Now, if we're talking about men... smart for sure!
{three}WYR...have the ability to be invisible or the ability to fly?
The practical answer would be the ability to fly so I can get where I'm going quickly. But I guess in a way I also have a bit of voyeur in me, because I think it would be awesome to be invisible!
{four} WYR...have the ability to read minds or control the weather?
Oh, this is another difficult one. Do I really want to know what everyone is thinking? I think being able to control the weather would definitely come in handy.
{five} WYR...be able to hear any conversation or take back anything you say?
Finally, an easy one. I would love to be able to take back anything I say. Try as we might, most of us have said something we wished we could take back as soon as the words came out of our mouths. That is not a good feeling. Wouldn't it be comforting to know we could take our words back... just in case?
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Off! Clip-on Mosquito Repellent
I realize there are parts of the country experiencing a drought like we did last summer, but thankfully, we are getting rain this year. Not so thankfully, we also have mosquitoes as a result, large, relentless mosquitoes. Nothing can ruin a summer outing faster than mosquito and bug bites. BUT...You can stay protected when you get outside without those heavy sprays.
Introducing Off! Clip-on Mosquito Repellent. This product is great because you don't have to apply it directly to skin. It has a quiet, battery-operated fan that circulates repellent, and it is virtually odorless. Each clip-on provides head-to-toe protection for up to 12 hours. You can clip it to yourself, or set it on a surface nearby, so you don't even have to wear it.
This is great for sitting by the pool, camping, gardening, or enjoying the sunrise in your back yard. And, the Off! Clip-on is smaller than previous versions yet remains just as effective.
The starter kit costs about $8.99 and the refill $4.99, and they are available at most mass-market stores and grocery shops. They're cute, too!
This product is registered with the U. S. Environmental Protection Angency, and it is a violation of federal law to use this product in any way other than directed on the label.
Thank you to the great people at SC Johnson (a Family Company) for providing me with samples to try in exchange for this review. All opinions are 100% mine.
Introducing Off! Clip-on Mosquito Repellent. This product is great because you don't have to apply it directly to skin. It has a quiet, battery-operated fan that circulates repellent, and it is virtually odorless. Each clip-on provides head-to-toe protection for up to 12 hours. You can clip it to yourself, or set it on a surface nearby, so you don't even have to wear it.
This is great for sitting by the pool, camping, gardening, or enjoying the sunrise in your back yard. And, the Off! Clip-on is smaller than previous versions yet remains just as effective.
The starter kit costs about $8.99 and the refill $4.99, and they are available at most mass-market stores and grocery shops. They're cute, too!
This product is registered with the U. S. Environmental Protection Angency, and it is a violation of federal law to use this product in any way other than directed on the label.
Thank you to the great people at SC Johnson (a Family Company) for providing me with samples to try in exchange for this review. All opinions are 100% mine.
Tuesday, August 07, 2012
We Want to Know!
Wednesday is hoted by Mamarazzi and Crazymama this week.
Mamarazzi, is asking the questions this week...
{1}What is your biggest guilty pleasure?
Oh, I have so many lately! In fact, I wrote a post about some of them recently. Top of the list is probably ice cream, but it has to be either Dreyer's Grand Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup or Ben & Jerry's Peanut Butter Cup. Dreyer's is chocolate ice cream with ribbons and chunks of both chocolate and peanut butter. Ben & Jerry's is peanut butter ice cream with Small Reese's peanut butter cups in it. They are both heavenly!
{2}What is the ONE thing you're never too busy for?
Ice cream! Hahahaha! Just kidding... sort of. I am never too busy to listen if my kids need to talk.
{3}They say love is in the little things. What is a little thing someone does to show you love?
My husband will rub my feet or scratch my back occasionally. He cooks half the time, and he will do little "honey-do" things around the house. There are probably many more.
{4}What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
I was putting a tablecloth on my bedside table. I got a new, round table and I bought the tablecloth to match the color in the room and cleaned the glass that goes over it. Exciting, huh? Thirty minutes prior to that, I was at Car Toys looking for a new radio for the car.
{5}If you could be on any game show what would it be?
I like Jeopardy and Who Wants to be a Millionaire, but I'd probably do better on Wheel of Fortune. Family Feud would be fun, too!
Mamarazzi, is asking the questions this week...
{1}What is your biggest guilty pleasure?
Oh, I have so many lately! In fact, I wrote a post about some of them recently. Top of the list is probably ice cream, but it has to be either Dreyer's Grand Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup or Ben & Jerry's Peanut Butter Cup. Dreyer's is chocolate ice cream with ribbons and chunks of both chocolate and peanut butter. Ben & Jerry's is peanut butter ice cream with Small Reese's peanut butter cups in it. They are both heavenly!
{2}What is the ONE thing you're never too busy for?
Ice cream! Hahahaha! Just kidding... sort of. I am never too busy to listen if my kids need to talk.
{3}They say love is in the little things. What is a little thing someone does to show you love?
My husband will rub my feet or scratch my back occasionally. He cooks half the time, and he will do little "honey-do" things around the house. There are probably many more.
{4}What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
I was putting a tablecloth on my bedside table. I got a new, round table and I bought the tablecloth to match the color in the room and cleaned the glass that goes over it. Exciting, huh? Thirty minutes prior to that, I was at Car Toys looking for a new radio for the car.
{5}If you could be on any game show what would it be?
I like Jeopardy and Who Wants to be a Millionaire, but I'd probably do better on Wheel of Fortune. Family Feud would be fun, too!
Thursday, August 02, 2012
Aloha Friday
Welcome to this week’s edition of Aloha Friday. In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that they take it easy and look forward to the weekend. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer in a comment. If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your Aloha Friday post link at An Island Life.
My answers: Women's gymnastics has always been my favorite Olympic sport. This year, I was rooting for Jordyn Wieber, and I was disappointed she wasn't allowed to compete in the all-around. But, did you see how much of a team player she is? And that smile! I wish all the girls would smile during or at the end of their routines. It's so much more pleasant to watch. Here's Jordyn's official site.
Image Credit. Thanks for stopping by! Have a good weekend!
My questions:
What is your favorite Olympic sport (either season)?
If you have a favorite athlete, who is it?
Image Credit. Thanks for stopping by! Have a good weekend!
Filed Under:
Aloha Friday,
random questions
Wednesday, August 01, 2012
Thursday Thirteen
I'm linking up with Thursday Thirteen today. Come and play along!
I am enjoying watching the Olympics this summer. Here are some of my Olympic memories.
1. When I was growing up, the winter and summer Olympics were held in the same year every four years. It wasn't until 1994 that they became every two years, first Winter in 1994 then Summer in 1996 and so on. I think I preferred them being held all in the same year.
2. I remember when Dorothy Hamill, with her cute pageboy haircut, won the gold in ladies single figure skating at the 1976 Olympics.
3. Another figure skater I remember well is Katarina Witt from East Germany who won gold both in 1984 and 1988.
4. Who could forget Kristi Yamaguchi wining the gold medal in figure skating in 1992?
5. The bronze medalist in 1992 came back to win silver in 1994, Nancy Kerrigan. That was amazing in and of itself due to Tonya Harding’s attack on her at the US competition that year. Tonya was noticeably absent from the Olympics that year.
6. I remember our gold medalists in the Men’s single figure skating from both 1984 and 1988, Scott Hamilton and Brian Boitono.
7. Who can forget Michael Phelps' first gold medal for swimming in 2004? He set a world record in the 400 meter.
8. My very first memory of the summer Olympics is watching Olga Korbut win gold medals on balance beam and floor exercise in 1972. I was very young at the time (6 or 7), but I was quite interested.
9. Another of my earliest Olympic memories is when Nadia Comaneci from Romania scored a perfect 10 on balance beam at the summer Olympics. They later changed the scoring so a ten is not perfect anymore.
10. Nadia’s coach Belya Korolyi moved to the United States in 1981. He coached Mary Lou Retton to an all-around individual gold medal for gymnastics in 1984. She was so petite and cute.
11. I loved it when our US girls took home the gold in the team competition in 1996 in Atlanta. That was a great group of girls: Shannon, Dominique D., Kerri, Amy, Amanda, Jayci, and Dominique M. They rocked Atlanta!
12. Sadly, I remember the bombing that took place in Atlanta in 1996. It killed one woman and injured 111 others. One of the security guards who found the bomb (Richard Jewell, who was quite a hero, in fact) was falsely accused of setting the bomb.
13. It was quite exciting, though not a first, when the US men’s basketball dream team won the gold at the 1992 Olympics. This was probably the first year I really paid any attention to a sport other than figure skating swimming, or gymnastics. I loved these guys! My favorite player was Clyde Drexler, but I also have a lot of respect for Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Scottie Pippen, and Larry Bird.
I love the Olympics!
I am enjoying watching the Olympics this summer. Here are some of my Olympic memories.
1. When I was growing up, the winter and summer Olympics were held in the same year every four years. It wasn't until 1994 that they became every two years, first Winter in 1994 then Summer in 1996 and so on. I think I preferred them being held all in the same year.
2. I remember when Dorothy Hamill, with her cute pageboy haircut, won the gold in ladies single figure skating at the 1976 Olympics.
3. Another figure skater I remember well is Katarina Witt from East Germany who won gold both in 1984 and 1988.
4. Who could forget Kristi Yamaguchi wining the gold medal in figure skating in 1992?
5. The bronze medalist in 1992 came back to win silver in 1994, Nancy Kerrigan. That was amazing in and of itself due to Tonya Harding’s attack on her at the US competition that year. Tonya was noticeably absent from the Olympics that year.
6. I remember our gold medalists in the Men’s single figure skating from both 1984 and 1988, Scott Hamilton and Brian Boitono.
7. Who can forget Michael Phelps' first gold medal for swimming in 2004? He set a world record in the 400 meter.
8. My very first memory of the summer Olympics is watching Olga Korbut win gold medals on balance beam and floor exercise in 1972. I was very young at the time (6 or 7), but I was quite interested.
9. Another of my earliest Olympic memories is when Nadia Comaneci from Romania scored a perfect 10 on balance beam at the summer Olympics. They later changed the scoring so a ten is not perfect anymore.
10. Nadia’s coach Belya Korolyi moved to the United States in 1981. He coached Mary Lou Retton to an all-around individual gold medal for gymnastics in 1984. She was so petite and cute.
11. I loved it when our US girls took home the gold in the team competition in 1996 in Atlanta. That was a great group of girls: Shannon, Dominique D., Kerri, Amy, Amanda, Jayci, and Dominique M. They rocked Atlanta!
12. Sadly, I remember the bombing that took place in Atlanta in 1996. It killed one woman and injured 111 others. One of the security guards who found the bomb (Richard Jewell, who was quite a hero, in fact) was falsely accused of setting the bomb.
13. It was quite exciting, though not a first, when the US men’s basketball dream team won the gold at the 1992 Olympics. This was probably the first year I really paid any attention to a sport other than figure skating swimming, or gymnastics. I loved these guys! My favorite player was Clyde Drexler, but I also have a lot of respect for Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Scottie Pippen, and Larry Bird.
I love the Olympics!
Filed Under:
random nonsense,
thursday thirteen
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