Friday, May 30, 2008
Does Your Heart Ache?
Thursday, May 29, 2008
I'm So Honored

And since you just can't keep an award all to yourself, I'm going to pass this on to two of my new scrapbooking friends, Evelyn and Chrissy. I'm enjoying getting to know them through their blogs, and I admire their scrapping talent. I also want to pass it on to a few of my not-so-new blogging buddies who have "been there for me" and whose blogs I absolutely adore: Jen, Jenn, Lucy, Sassy Mama Bear, and Mamarazzi. You are all amazing!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Thursday Thirteen #27

My twins will be twelve in a few weeks, and we have run through every birthday party idea for tweens that we can think of. Here are 13 of them.
1. Skating Rink Party. Most of them will reserve tables and time for opening presents and eating cake. The one near us also gives all the guests pizza, a drink, and a coupon for free skate time. The birthday boy or girl gets to choose a favorite song and gets extra treats.
2. An Event Complex such as Main Event. They have bowling, glow golf, laser tag, ride machines, and games galore. There is a party room that can be reserved, or you can just wing it. I think this is what my son is going to do this year.
3. Putt-Putt Fun House. This place has miniature golf, laser tag, games, and bumper boats. Very similar but not as “cool” as Main Event.
4. Hawaiian Luau Party. All you need is a swimming pool (in your back yard or in your neighborhood), some Hawaiian music, a limbo stick, a piƱata, and some fun prizes. We did this last year, and the kids loved it.
5. 50’s Party – Have a sock hop. You can do a bubble-gum blowing contest, hula hoop contest, and a twist contest. You can also have an ice cream sundae making contest and “cool” prizes for the contest winners.
6. Shop Till You Drop Party – Especially for girls. A trip to the mall with a set amount of money to spend. Lunch at the food court.
7. Putting on the Glitz – Especially for girls. Girls can make jewelry, eat snacks, have cake and ice cream, and make more jewelry. You can buy a variety of jewelry-making kits at Michaels or Hobby Lobby.
8. Lights, Camera, Action – Guests can write scripts and film movies to watch and share with their families. You could even vote on the best one and give it the Academy Award for home film-making.
9. Someone’s in the Kitchen – Especially for girls. Guests spend most of their time in the kitchen making and eating fun recipes such as personal size pizzas, cookies, smoothies, and so on. There are lots of kid-friendly recipes here.
10. Movie Party – Take the guests to see a new movie, then go back home for pizza, cake, and ice cream.

11. Beach Party – If you’re near the coast, have your guests hop in the car for a trip to the beach. Sunning, swimming, giggling about boys or girls, Frisbee, volleyball, or whatever you are up for.
12. Paintball Party – Especially for boys. Pile the boys in the car and take them out for some sweaty fun at the paintball park. Then, treat them to CiCi’s pizza or a food court meal and birthday cake.
13. Girlie-Girl Sleepover – Yes, this one’s especially for girls. The guests come over for pizza and cake, presents and goodie bags, and while they’re there, they do “girlie-girl” stuff like painting fingernails, fixing each other’s hair, gossiping about boys, watch a DVD, make ice cream sundaes, color fuzzy posters, and made beaded bracelets. All of these could be contests in which they win play money and get to go “shopping” for their prizes. You get to set up the “store” and decide what to put in it and the prices. And, of course, this is a sleepover/slumber party. I think this is what my daughter is going to do this year.
You can get fantastic ideas at this web site!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Ode to Teaching

five days of most weeks
I impart knowledge and skills
we “fondly” call TEKS (rhymes with reeks).
Living by bells, and schedules,
and deadlines,
I don’t do anything that
would cause me to make headlines.
Lesson plans, paperwork,
state requirements galore.
Zillions of dealines that
you can’t ignore.
Grammar, spelling, vocabulary
and more,
Reading and writing,
two things I adore.
My students leave me
knowing more than they had,
They only dislike me when
they are bad.
Accommodations and discipline
But unlike my children,
my students think I’m smart.
If only teaching
were as easy as "they" think,
When first starting out,
it’s swim with sharks or sink!
My work doesn’t stop
when I go home,
I see students and parents
wherever I roam.
I do over a year’s work
in ten month’s time,
But the amount I get
paid should be a crime.
(Actually, the pay is not as bad as people think it is.)
Monday, May 26, 2008
4 Days Until Book Giveaway!

The Legend of Chewing Gum

Sunday, May 25, 2008
Let's Play Tag
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Seven Random Things About Me:
1. Both my ex-husband's paternal grandmother and my paternal grandmother were twins. We have twins (almost 12 years old now!), and I am the grandmother-by-default to my step-son's twins, 8 months old.
2. My favorite Internet game is Candy Drops at Candystand. It's addicting. If I go there now, I won't finish this post for a while.
3. I saw Shaquille O'Neal, currently of the Phoenix Suns, walking through the Belagio Hotel in Las Vegas in 2001. The man is ginormous! My husband and I will be travelling to Phoenix this summer on our way to the Grand Canyon.
4. My first job started the day before my 13th birthday at Rockin R Ranch in Humble, Texas. My sister worked there also. It's an outdoor recreation area for company parties and reunions. It has putt-putt golf, swimming, sports fields, concessions, kiddie rides, and great barbecue. Sounds fun, but not when you work there. I started at the putt-putt area, which is boring. I worked my way up to concessions and lifeguarding. But, at the end of the day, everyone has to pick up trash, and that's not so fun.
--------------------OOPS! I had to take a Candy Drops break here!------------------------
5. I get sleepy when I drive, and I don't like long car trips. 3 or 4 hours MAX. That's my limit! I'd rather take a plane, even though I don't like those much either. It'd be terrible if I had to travel for my job.
6. I am addicted to blogging. Aren't we all?
7. I could be the principal of your child's school someday. Pretty scary, huh? I've had my Master's Degree and Principal Certification since 2001, yet I remain in the classroom with the kids, mostly out of choice.
I'm going to tag some people I have not tagged before, at least not for a while. If you don't feel like playing, that's okay. If you do, let me know so I can go read your answers!
Random Autumness
Normal to Natalie
Up the Hill Backwards
Sunday Scrappin'

Saturday, May 24, 2008
More Scrapping Servant Bloggers

Classifieds - 5 Minutes for Mom Needs...
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Gift-Giving Help

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Thursday Thirteen #27

Edition 27 - 13 Things on my To-do List
Not Necessarily in This Order
1. Clean out my jewelry armoire.
2. Find photos of my trip to Cozumel three years ago so I can scrapbook them.
3. Decide on the type of organizer I want for my scrapbook paper.
4. Scan photos for a project for my students at school.
5. Laundry (which is an ongoing chore).
6. Clean out my closet.
7. Clean out my kids’ closets (or rather, help them do this).
8. Gather all the donations for Purple Heart.
9. Order a jumbo-sized toy net for my daughter to get the stuffed animals off the floor of her cracker-box sized room.
11. Read, read, read, read!!! I never have as much time to read as I want.
12. Find a good flea killer for the dog.
13. Watch my son play baseball.
Have You Scrapped Today?

I've had so much fun blog-hopping during Scrapping Servant's 15 day celebration of National Scrapbook Month. I've been so inspired by the creative ladies I've visited that I can't wait to make my next page, but there were a few things I had to do first:
- If you saw my Tackle-it-Tuesday, you know that I got my scrapping desk cleaned off and all my supplies next to it. I still need some shelves to keep my paper readily available and organized, but this was progress!
- I went through my partially completed scrapbooks to remind myself what I need to scrap next and made a to-do list to get me there.
- I organized some pictures and have them set up in a basket on my desk.
This is HUGE for me. I didn't expect to get to any of this until summer (I teach), but thanks to the "party," I MADE time. Here are some links to some super ladies that I have enjoyed visiting during the party, and if you're not on the list yet, I promise I will get to you by this weekend. I want to visit everyone!
Amy at Tiny Blessings
Christina at Photo Mama Creations
Elaine at The Miss Elaine-ous of Life (who is also in my blogroll)
Kristine at KCM Scrap-n-stuff
Crazy Daisy at Forever Daisies
All Things Cherished
Lisa at The Scrap Princess
Who Has Time to Scrapbook
Bunny at It's a Bunny Life
Krista at Welcome to Married Life
Izzy at Passion Scrapper
Lauren at A Wandering Heart
Michelle at Our Full House
Monday, May 19, 2008
Heads or Tails

Give me peace so I won't cry anymore,

Tackle it Tuesday

First, I took a pile of what appeared to be junk - receipts, accounting forms, etc. from my son's football team,
Give Me Five Monday

Sunday, May 18, 2008
Unconscious Mutterings

She says... and I think ... ?
Concentration :: remember
Relocated :: new job
Clot :: blood
Joints :: stiff
Satellite :: television signal
Money back :: returned
Kittens :: fluffy
Shady :: untrustworthy
Drain :: no energy
Stroke:: dad
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Just Another Tag

1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
2. What are 5 things on your "To Do" list?
*Clean off the desk I want to use for scrapbooking
*Scan some photos for students to use in a photo story
*Grade papers – the year is almost over!
*Finish reading Neverwhere for book club
3. What are 5 snacks you enjoy? (In no specific order)
*Picante sauce and cream cheese dip with fritos
*Chocolate ice cream
*Laughing Cow Light French Onion cheese and crackers
*Mozarella sticks and marinara sauce
*Chocolate pudding
4. Name some things you would do if you were a millionaire.
First, thank God, because that is the only way it would ever happen. Second, donate a tithe to the church. Then, I’d buy our family a new home and give some to relatives.
5. Name some places where you've lived.
All in Texas
West Houston
Clear Lake
6. Name some bad habit you have.
*Spend too much time in front of my computer
*I’m often late
*Chew nicotine gum.
7. Name some jobs you've had.
· At age 13, I worked at a guest ranch for company picnics doing everything from running rides, to handing out putt putt golf equipment, serving food, cleaning the grounds, and lifeguarding.
· I worked for Olan Mills Portrait Studio in telephone sales
· I worked retail at the mall
· I have taught intermediate school language arts for 19 years.
· My hardest job is wife and mother.
8. Name those whom you are tagging.
I want to tag some people I am just getting to know so that I can learn more about them and visit their blogs again.
Cecily at My Chaos, My Bliss
Yellow Rose at Yellow Rose’s Garden
Claudia at On a Limb with Claudia
Maryt/thteach at Work of the Poet
Giggles at Happy Tiler
And anyone else that would like to do the tag! Have fun!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Friday's Feast

What is the nearest big city to your home?
On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how well do you keep secrets?
Describe your hair (color, texture, length).
Main Course
What kind of driver are you? Courteous? Aggressive? Slow?
When was the last time you had a really bad week?
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Thursday Thirteen #28

1. Oh my gosh! (By far the most common reaction.)
2. I’m fine, mom. (And, believe it or not, he is!)
3. Tell him he should catch the ball next time. (This one from my step-son, the ER nurse. He is soooo funny! Not.)
4. Take him to the ER for a CT scan. (From my step-son’s wife, also a nurse.)
5. He needs to have his eye x-rayed to make sure there’s not an orbital floor fracture. (the coach.)
6. Put ice on it. (Duh!)
7. He could have a concussion. (He could, but he doesn’t, and I’m thankful.)
8. Is he throwing up? (no)
9. Did he pass out? (no)
10. It’s not like the doctor can put a cast on his eye. (This also, from my wise-cracking step-son.)
11. Wake him every two-three hours to make sure he’s coherent. (I didn’t.)
12. He’s gonna have a shiner for a while! (Ya think?)
13. Take him to the concussion center (yes, there is actually a clinic that does testing to make sure there are no lasting effects from a concussion. Got this info from the nurse at my school.)
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Wordless Wednesday
A Sweet Award

Latree at Dandelion bestowed this lovely award on me. She says I have a great blog. Thank you! It's so fun to get some bloggy love.
Now I will pass this award on to a few people that I "bloggy love."
I honor the ladies of these blogs because they are always compassionate, honest, and "real" and I love their blogs!
Digi-Scrap attempt