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The winner is Dallas Miao'd! Congratulations!

Prima Princessa, the cute, animated narrator of the movie, is the brainchild of two entrepreneurial moms Stephanie Troeller and Mary Kate Mellow who get inspiration from their own darling, dancing daughters.
Prima Princessa takes you on a journey to the land of the Sugar Plum Fairy! And just like the Swan Lake movie, little ballerinas will be enchanted by her. She is so CUTE! Along the way, the viewer is treated to demonstrations by students of the School of American Ballet as well as excerpts from the professional performance of the Nutcracker by the San Francisco Ballet. And the little girls in the movie are having such a good time! Your little dancer will want to dance along with them.
Any little ballerina is sure to delight in this interactive ballet experience. What little girl doesn't enjoy fairies, toy soldiers, and ballerinas?
I have one copy to give away to a lucky reader who is a US resident. The winner will be chosen by on October 7, so you will have it in plenty of time for the holiday season.
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