The rain we're having in the Houston area today matches my mood somewhat. Gloomy, lazy. My "babies" were supposed to leave to drive to Nebraska today with their dad. They left yesterday to go to his house, then today were supposed to hit the road. I haven't heard from them. I'm sure my ex has enough sense not to strike out on a long journey in torrential rain. I miss them already, and they won't be home for four weeks! Luckily, I will be working a lot. I don't know how my step-kids' mom can stand not to see them for weeks or months at a time! On the other hand, I was subtley reminded tonight that my husband's ex used to live here in this house, and thinking about that makes it feel like it's not my own. I know it looks totally different now than it did then, but that's not the point. I wish we could afford to get a different house. This one is large enough, but it's not "mine." Oh well, I'll get over it, I supposed. I just need to cheer up soon. Toodles!