So... how does a personalized CD with recorded messages from family and friends sound? Can I pull it off? Not by myself! That's where Life on Record comes in. This is a great service!
When you set up an account, they give you a toll-free phone number and an invitation number that you can give to all the relatives and friends you want. When they call in, their message is recorded... thoughts, stories, memories, greetings... whatever they want to say. And when they record the message, they have the opportunity to preview it and change it if they choose.
When all the messages have been recorded (by your deadline), you download the messages to iTunes and create a CD. It is so simple. And if you're not comfortable making your own CD, they can do that for you, too, as well as personalized CD labels. Now, I have a unique yet affordable gift for my nephew.
This would be a thoughtful birthday gift, an anniversary keepsake, wedding gift, or even a cool gift for a teacher at the end of the year. It's definitely one of a kind!

Life on Record has agreed to supply one of my readers with the $49.99 Events Package! Here's how to enter this giveaway.
1. Visit Life on Record and take a look around.
2. Leave a comment on this post telling me what you like best about Life on Record and what event you would use it for. The deadline for leaving comments on this post is 11:59 CST May 11, 2009. Please make sure I have a way to contact you via email.
3. If you follow my blog, leave an additional comment for another chance to win.
4. If you subscribe to my blog through a reader, leave another comment for still another chance.
5. Blog about this giveaway, and receive yet another entry. Leave a comment with your blog link.
Good luck!
This post was made possible by the friendly people at the Family Review Network.
My daughter is graduating from Adult education and I am proud. It was not easier for her. This would be great because her grandparents are in Florida and her aunt in virginia.
ReplyDeleteI follow you. You are one of the first blogs I started reading.
ReplyDeleteHow cool, and what a neat idea! My father-in-law's birthday is coming up at the end of the month, and this would be perfect! All of his kids live in different States, and none of us have seen him for 2 years. He even has a granddaughter he has never met. How fun would it be for everyone to record him a birthday greeting around the U.S. and put it together all on one CD?! Very neat idea!
ReplyDeleteI am following you!
I subscribed in my Yahoo! Reader.
What a wonderful gift and it seems so easy too.
ReplyDeleteThis is so cool! I love how easy it is, and that people can call in and leave messages for the CD. love it! Thanks! I would probably use this for an upcoming birthday!
ReplyDeleteshevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
I follow your blog also.
ReplyDeleteshevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
that's a great idea :)
ReplyDeleteI'd be afraid to hear some of my family's memories. ;)
ReplyDeleteI can use my phone
Blog follower
I would use this to make a birthday CD for my mom. I like that supposedly it's easy to use: "It's simple - Your guests just dial a phone and talk!" Everybody I know can use a phone! Sounds great!
yeloechikee at hotmail dot com