Saturday, December 22, 2007

Piano Recital

Friday night I made a video of my daughters playing piano. I uploaded it to YouTube, but I am making a better quality DVD of it for them. The older girl's boyfriend was in the audience, so she was quite nervous and messed up a lot, but I don't think there was one player who didn't have any mistakes. They were great, though. I wouldn't have the courage!


  1. What a great recital! With our 4 children in piano, we went through 20 years of recitals, plus their own senior recitals! Tell the girls to keep up the good work. I think the moms are usually more nervous than the kids! HA! Have a very Merry Christmas. And thanks for stopping by. Blessings.

  2. Beautiful! Talented children you have!

  3. Angela did a wonderful job! I can't get over how much she's grown since I last saw them. I really need to get to Houston in 08!

    Merry Christmas, my friend! :-)


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