Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday Movie Meme

The Bumbles hosts The Monday Movie Meme.
This week's topic - epic battle scenes.

The Patriot (2000) - This is one of my favorite movies EVER!  The final scene when Benjamin Martin (Mel Gibson) grabs the flag and charges on British troops in the fight for independence may not be completely factual, but it is truly epic.

The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe (2005) - The battle of good and evil is dramatic as humans and animals take on (and defeat) the Evil White Witch.


  1. The patriot was on my list but I got too lazy to put it up! Glad you did! Great picks!

  2. The Patriot is a great movie, might be biased to see two great Aussies in it. lol

    Love Mel Gibson and Heath Ledger in that movie.

    I also love the battle scenes in Braveheart too.


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