Houston is the home of MD Anderson Cancer Center, rated #1 in cancer treatment by US News. But more importantly, my mom is a survivor of breast cancer as is my mother-in-law, so this is a topic that hits close to home.
Some facts:
1. 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their life.
2. With early detection and treatment, most people can lead a normal life.
3. Breast cancer is second only to skin cancer as the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women worldwide.
4. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death among women after lung cancer (which my mother has also had - early detection is important).
5. Hormone replacement therapy after menopause can lead to a higher risk of breast cancer.
6. Death rates from cancer have decreased in the last 25 years.
7. When breast cancer is detected early and is in the localized stage, the 5 year relative survival rate is 100%.
8. The National Breast Cancer Foundation funds research for breast cancer treatments (MD Anderson is one of 3 centers that receive funds). They are having success with gene therapy that will hopefully lead to a vaccine.
9. There are about 400 cases of breast cancer in men each year.
10. Breast cancer risk doubles if a first degree relative has had breast cancer.
11. Symptoms vary: lumps (usually painless), swelling, skin changes such as dimpling, pain, redness or scaliness.
12. Diet is thought to play a part in some breast cancers. Obviously, no food will cure it, but when you're body is healthy and your immune system is boosted, your risk is lower.
13. There is NO scientific evidence to support the claims that antiperspirant (this is not my personal opinion) or bras increase your risk of cancer. There is also NO link between blood pressure medications and risk of breast cancer.
My doctor recommends monthly self exams, yearly exams by your doctor, and mammograms starting at age 40. Think pink! Link up with Thursday Thirteen here.

lost my friend Tuesday to it , came back after 10 years
ReplyDeleteThanks. Always good to keep all of that info out there.
ReplyDeleteGood info. Especially the reminder that men get it, too.