Sunday, January 03, 2016

Purging the Closet

I've seen this simple tip many times, but Connie from Family Home and Life said it well.

Suggestion:  Put all your clothing hangers backwards in your closet once a year, then after you wear an item of clothing, hang them back the right way, forward. After a year, throw out all the clothing items that are still backwards because you haven't worn them.

What better time to start than the beginning of the new year?  This is my closet.  I've turned my hangars backward, and anything I don't wear will be donated at the end of the year.  Great idea!

I may not set resolutions, but I sure do set goals!

1 comment:

  1. I turned my hangers backwards last March and it was a great success! It really showed me what I was actually wearing. I plan on doing it again this March!


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