Wednesday, June 09, 2010

It's Just My Opinion

Fang (Maximum Ride, #6) Fang by James Patterson

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
James Patterson has redeemed himself. He's my favorite author, but I didn't like the last book I read by him, Witches and Wizards. It was what I would call unimaginative and formulaic. Fang is better.

It is the sixth book in the Maximum Ride series, and while it's not as good as #1 or #2, it is definitely better than #5, which was far-fetched even by Maximum Ride standards. While it is titled Fang, it is just as much about Max and Angel. Of course the entire flock and their survival is at the heart of the novel. Patterson set things up for #7, but didn't leave me completely hanging. I'm looking forward to the seventh book, and probably, in the meantime, the ninth book in the Women's Detective series. I can still call Patterson my favorite author.

View all my reviews >>


  1. hi Diana! nominated you for an award!
    hope u can pop over xox

  2. I must get this one, I quite enjoy his books.


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