My rating: 3 of 5 stars
While I didn't think this book was as good as the first two in the series, it was still good. It's a short, fun read. I'm not really sure why they included blueberries in the title as they didn't play a huge role in the plot.
The Waterston sisters run a bakery in a small town. One of them, Holly, is asked to provide catering services for a wake. It isn't until she is told to stay at the wake, rather than just bringing the food, that she realizes it's a set-up. The deceased has big news for Holly, his current wife and son, and his grown children. Before it ends, one character will attempt to murder another, and you may not be able to guess who the culprit is.
Crystal doesn't factor into this book very much at all, and Holly's beau is acting out-of-character in this story as well. Otherwise, it's an easy, fun read.
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Writers who choose to do a series have the constant pressure to make each book as good as if not better than the last. My hat is off to those who even try, it does sound like a great story set up.