Monday, May 20, 2024

Write Home


At dinner last night, as I was describing something I was eating, I said, "It's okay.  Nothing to write home about."  Wow!  I doubt if young people now would even know what I meant!

Something ordinary.  That's what I meant.  Not special.  But, as it refers to writing home... most young people don't write letters anymore.  In fact, many of them go weeks without even checking their mailboxes.  And why would they?  Texting is immediate, easy, and you don't have to put postage on it!

For me, though, there's just something appealing about writing letters. And I write them in cursive!  And who doesn't like to get happy mail?  Assuming you even check your mail anymore. Do you remember the last time you wrote a letter?

Moving right along... I need to do this so I won't be forgetful anymore!

I really relate to this!  Anyone else?

Stepping on jacks! Painful!  But playing was fun!

Had to sneak a corny joke in here!

Have a great week!
And don't forget to visit Random Tuesday Thoughts and Happy Tuesday.


  1. I write thank you notes in cursive, but letters not so much. Hubby loves writing letters. It's a lost art for sure.

    Love all the funnies. You always make me laugh out loud.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥

  2. Heeheehee! It's true, when you clean houses, in every kitchen there is one favorite burner and it's always in the worst shape.

    We get mail (bills and junk) almost daily, but hand written notes seldom. I do send them once in so often, mostly birthdays or such.


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